Suicide is an Option

While rejoicing in the thrills and possible opportunities 2021 might bring, we woke up one fine morning to news of a young man who took his life. We were shocked, shaken and stupefied. Our joy of walking into the new year was cut short and it felt like life had really started to dish out it’s usual misery. It did not stop at one. More followed.

And then, the internet, as usual, went into a frenzy of mental health talk and “speak to me, I’m always here” rants. It is usually the cycle after a quite unfortunate incident of unprecedented death. But really, that is where it starts and ends. We saw quite insensitive remarks too, and I think the one that caught me most was “suicide is not an option, why on earth would you kill yourself?”.

But I’m here to correct that and tell you that suicide is an option. Yes, it really is.

Suicide is an option because well, life could get really messy and messed up. Suicide is also an option because sometimes, you hit rock bottom and you don’t know how to get up. And when you eventually try to get up, you are knocked down again. Suicide is an option because everyone is only compassionate and kind when you are dead, or when you almost died. It is also an option because almost everyone is out there to add more mess to life’s mess. And most importantly, suicide is really an option because there’s this lot that think it’s not an option.

Now, don’t get me wrong yet. I am not encouraging suicide, or in any way, supporting it. I am only saying, there are many things that could lead to the consideration of ending your own life but you are not going to do that. You get to some situations or crossroads in life, and then you have so many options. You have the option of forging ahead or going back, kicking asses or ending it all. You pick one and deal with the consequences. Sometimes, the end result is something good, something miserable and even, death. Suicide is really an option but beautiful people, do not pick it!

I’m hardly a mental health enthusiast, but I guess I’m quite understanding of the behaviours and actions of people. It’s wrong when you say someone should not have committed suicide. One, because the person is already dead. And two, even though it’s a terrible reaction to things, many people don’t understand it yet. I think people should learn to be more understanding of people’s actions and experiences. Most importantly, jumping into conclusions is the fab now. And it should stop. Everyone is quick to “cancel” others based on the actions they took, not caring to know and understand what the real issue is. I’m grateful for the media and all, but I think its Cons outweigh its Pros. Many times, the media paints thing the way they want the public to see it and analyse it, and that has led to people forming really wrong opinions on certain issues, the use of derogatory words on people and just really terrible things.

I watched and waited for days after the news of the suicide for people to keep up their “be kind and compassionate” narrative. Nothing came. In fact, by that evening, people were quick to jump into their way of talking, assuming and yunno, savaging people. This should stop, really.

Suicide would always be an option, it would always be a choice, but you can choose to not pick it. You can choose to rise again, to walk through the sadness and terrible experience wholeheartedly with the hope of better days. It’s really sad when one just goes off like that, never to be seen again. I’m honestly trying to not sound motivational but I can hardly help it. There will be better days, and it won’t happen suddenly. It might take months, years but there will really be better days. These better days would not just come miraculously or magically, you have to put in the work. And staying down and depressed purposely won’t bring about what you are hoping for. It is going to be so trying and not easy, I must tell you. But please dears, do not go for the suicide option.

Lastly, render help when necessary and in anyway you can. Somehow, you are aware of people who really need some cheering up, loving up, care and encouragement around you. You might even need some of that yourself, but do not hesitate to give it to someone who needs lots of it. Above all, trust God!

Lots of love,

Queen Esther💜

Need to talk to someone, or read up about your mental health? is just the answer

Published by Esther Olamoyegun

A freelancer, a creative writer! I write beautiful stories!

7 thoughts on “Suicide is an Option

  1. My 2cents on this.
    I honestly believe that we honestly need to learn to breathe. It might not sound like your perfect motivational speech but there are times when you got knocked down so bad, you don’t need to get up yet. Just stay there and heal.

    At a point for 2 years my closest friends knew my response to the “how are you” question. I wasn’t going to act like I was better to satisfy your expectations after giving a long sermon on why I should. I knew my emotional and mental health was one that was going to need time as its biggest medicine. So I let time. A few of those friends thought otherwise.

    We need to respect the time factor. We need to stay down sometimes because standing up too quickly will lead to another fall and the psychological effect of multiple falls would be extremely worse than that of a single one.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for this! It’s necessary that people understand that things wouldn’t get better in a few of days, especially after a very terrible experience that leaves their mental health deteriorated


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